Sink or Swim…Are You Prepared For The Oncoming Tsunami?

My Fellow Compassionate Capitalists:

These past few months have been very busy and very interesting for Titan Impact Group. We are constantly attending seminars and functions with people that we can learn from in order to better ourselves and provide better service and products for our investors. One of the recent events that we attended was in Miami, Florida. In that room their were about 200 people representing +/- $3 billion. It was a very insightful and educational conference that made a HUGE impact on us personally, as well as in our business and the direction and velocity in which we are moving forward.

As you know, we have been focused on notes for the last couple of years. We will continue to focus on notes for our non-accredited investors. For our ACCREDITED investors, we are forming a fund that will allow you to participate in the benefits of owning mobile home parks. Mobile home parks are definitely the space that Steve thrives in. It’s his genius! I also love mobile home parks due to the simple numbers and cash flow that it provides. We will start having ongoing webinars to explain more about the different deals that we are looking at that you will potentially be able to be involved in and benefit from. Be on the lookout for those invitations, and make sure to attend!

I am a numbers and spreadsheet nerd! I love to say “the numbers don’t lie” as well as “do the numbers and the numbers will tell you what to do”. This would be a very simplistic and effective formula if the world was made up of robots and machines. The world could be run by algorithms that we plug-in and everything would turn out perfect! However if we get into that mindset and do not take into consideration the HUMAN FACTOR we will be setting ourselves up for disappointment. So until the world is taken over by robots and I am their queen… One of the most important things we can do is self development and self improvement. I cannot overstate the importance of this area. (Please save the eye rolls until after reading this article).

So with that in mind I would like to share some notes from the conferences that we’ve attended that help the human factor as well as the numbers and spreadsheets and algorithms live in a cohesive symbiotic relationship.


  • Use failure to learn from and do better next time.
  • Divorce yourself from the disappointment of failing.
  • Use the lessons from failure as fuel.
  • Have a plan before a failure happens.
  • Write down what happened.
  • Do something physical – break your state.
  • Do affirmations: “Everything exists to make money and help me change lives”. “I love having six figures in each of my bank accounts and eight or more figures as my net worth”.

Lesson 1

  • Every time there is a breakdown – write down what happened and get clear on the lesson. Share the lesson with your team.
  • We all have to go through failures to get to where we want to be.
  • Never let failure or fear of failure stop you.
  • The sooner you learn from the failure and get the one single most important lesson that you need……. move forward as fast as possible!

Lesson 2

  • Find a person to model.
  • Model their mindsets.
  • See how fast can you break down limiting beliefs and create empowering ones.
  • Write down successful peoples beliefs and try them on.

Lesson 3 

  • You must take action quickly and consistently.
  • Commitment doesn’t care how you feel… only cares about the action that you are taking.
  • Have a growth mindset.
  • Be open to new ideas, lessons, beliefs, and ways of doing things.
  • Manage the voices on your head.

Lesson 4

  • 10/10/10
  • When you have a negative thought about being judged………
  • Imagine that it was 10 days ago and how it felt.
  • Now imagine it was 10 months ago.
  • Now go back 10 years ago. How do you feel about it now?
  • Any time you are thinking about fear of failure or fear of judgement….imagine what the negative voices said  about it 10 days ago, 10 months ago, and 10 years ago. You will find that over time…..voices become silenced by truth

I hope this gives you a little bit of insight into the work that must continuously go on in order to have a proper perspective on how to succeed in a mathematical world constantly being overridden by human emotion.

A world where being financially educated and taking calculated risks is the key to our ability to “NEVER awake from the American Dream”.

Wednesday, November 9th – 11 AM PDT

The term “Investing” has always been a first cousin to the term “Risk Tolerance.”

They go hand in hand.

In these times of great economic turbulence, one’s tolerance for risk is challenged to the maximum of one’s emotional capacity to manage the level of uncertainty that is heading our way.

Do you ever wonder how some people remain calm, cool, and collected in these kinds of high-pressure situations? What do they know that you are not privy to?

Come learn the secrets of how Olympic-level athletes and seasoned investors perform in high-stakes environments.

Join Tina Greenbaum, Mastery Under Pressure and Catherine Bell, Titan Impact Group in a 30-minute webinar on this important and timely topic.

Here is another AMAZING tool for success! Grab “Who Not How – Dan Sullivan” The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork!




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A Video We Think You’ll Enjoy: The RIGHT team is what makes YOUR dream possible!!!!!


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